Surface Ship Readiness Initiatives (SSRI)
To better ensure non-nuclear surface ships meet readiness, service life, and total ownership cost goals, NAVSEA, in close partnership with the Fleet, launched a series of longer-term Surface Ship Readiness Initiatives (SSRI) to increase waterfront support and improve maintenance and modernization efforts across surface ship classes to keep pace with mission requirements: Integrated Assessment Program; Integrated Sustainment Program; Surface Maintenance Engineering Planning and Procurement (SURFMEPP); Reconstitution of IMA Capacity/Capability; Availability Completion/Work Certification. These initiatives serve to provide long-term solutions improve surface ship readiness.
- Total Ships Readiness Assessment (TSRA)
Total Ships Readiness Assessment (TSRA) is a common integrated process to
plan, identify, assess, document, repair, validate ship’s Current Ship’s
Maintenance Project (CSMP), validate ship’s systems configuration and provide
self sufficiency maintenance training to ship‘s force with the expectation of
ensuring operational availability goals are met through the execution of total
ship systems operational assessments and functional verifications. TSRA will be
planned and executed by the Regional Maintenance Centers on all Surface Ships.
TSRA provides a framework and schedule to plan and execute a comprehensive
assessment of ship’s hull, mechanical, electrical (HM&E), combat systems
(C/S), command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C5I)
systems, support equipment, and logistics condition. TSRA will include the
review and integration of data and information contained in maintenance and
trending databases such as an Integrated Condition Assessment Systems (ICAS),
Integrated Performance Assessment Reports (IPARs), CSMP and Corrosion Control
Information Management Systems (CCIMS) as part of the planning process.
- Integrated Sustainment Program
This SSRI initiative is focused on developing a dedicated sustainment program that is in place throughout the surface fleet to monitor ships during their operational phase and that provides reliable distant support between major availabilities. Key initiatives within the integrated sustainment program include enhancing performance monitoring, management and data capture; identifying critical systems and providing continuous systems engineering analysis and software support; improved logistics analysis; centralized obsolescence management; an overarching distance support program; resources to support Fleet Technical Engineering issues; technical training; and fully funding afloat maintenance, including Combat System Operational Sequencing System (OSS/CSOSS).
- Surface Maintenance Engineering Planning Program (SURFMEPP)
In 2009, NAVSEA established the Surface Ship Life Cycle Management (SSLCM) activity to begin developing a more technically robust and long-term perspective on the current state of non-nuclear surface ship readiness. SSLCM has since expanded to the newly established Surface Maintenance Engineering Planning Program (SURFMEPP) organization. SURFMEPP provides centralized Surface Ship lifecycle maintenance engineering, class management and modernization planning, and management of maintenance strategies aligned with and responsive to National, Fleet, Surface Type Commanders, and NAVSEA needs and priorities. SURFMEPP develops and issues several core lifecycle planning, budgeting, and work package execution documents designed to achieve the expected service life for non-nuclear surface ships.
- Reconstitution of the Navy's Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) Capacity
This initiative will staff Regional Maintenance Centers (RMCs) with the appropriate skill-sets to execute the Navy’s non-nuclear surface ship maintenance efforts and train future Sailors to be Journeyman engineers. Key objectives of this initiative are to increase RMCs I-Level capacity, return Journeyman training ar I-Level organizations, and re-establish capabilities in the following areas: HM&E; Services (Weight Test, Rigging, Cranes, Corrosion Control, etc); Combat Systems; QA, Tech Library, Planning, and Safety.
- Availability Execution and Work Certification
This initiative will implement technical rigor and discipline in the
execution of surface ship maintenance availabilities by standardizing technical
adjudication, integrated test plans, certification of work processes, and
standardizing event readiness and availability execution processes.