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The 120 person NEDU Team includes highly qualified and experienced military divers with a combined 1,000 man-years of diving experience: Sea-Air-Land (SEAL), Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Salvage, Saturation, Seabee, Diving Officer, and Diving Medical Officer (DMO). Ph.D. scientists, engineers, various science-degreed professionals, and support personnel work hand-in-hand with these divers, resulting in an unparalleled and effective force of undersea problem-solvers.

People are our most important asset.
We . . .

•     Communicate openly, clearly, promptly, and honestly.
•     Provide a safe and enjoyable work environment.
•     Treat each other with courtesy and respect.
•     Foster equal opportunities for professional development and personal excellence.
•     Continually seek improvements by encouraging teamwork and personal involvement.
•     Provide recognition for contributions and accomplishments.

Our primary responsibility is to our customers.
We . . .

•     Listen and respond to our customers.
•     Provide our customers with prompt, high-quality products and services at fair prices.
•     Evaluate equipment and procedures without bias.
•     Submit credible, reproducible data and accurately report all findings in a timely manner.
•     Continually seek improvements in our operating practices, safety, efficiency, and teamwork.
•     Provide guidance and recommendations based only on scientific data and experience.

The History of U.S. Navy Experimental Diving:

The Navy Experimental Diving Unit was established in 1927 at the Washington Navy Yard. A recent article in Faceplate (official newsletter for divers and salvors of the United States Navy) provides an historical summary of the Navy Experimental Diving Unit from 1927-2002.

Historical Highlights

  • submarine rescue
  • standard decompression tables
  • recompression treatment tables
  • surface decompression
  • saturation diving
  • early sea-floor habitats
  • diver thermal protection 

Read about NEDU saturation divers in All Hands.

Read about the
salvage of the USS Monitor, an historical operation that was accomplished with the help of NEDU divers.

The Navy Experimental Diving Unit houses one of the world's largest technical libraries of diving information. It has more than 120,000 documents on diving history, engineering, and medicine. Much information covers the early development of various diving tables. Researchers from around the world use the archives and resources of the library.