SWRMC team members provide D-level and I-level maintenance support, engineering support and selective maintenance training to U.S. Pacific Fleet surface ships, carriers, submarines, and shore activities, as well as other U.S. Navy activities. SWRMC's technical experts provide contract and project management oversight, engineering services, and quality assurance support during D-level availabilities, which are extensive industrial repairs performed during periodic ship overhauls and dedicated repair availabilities. I-level maintenance complements and bridges a gap between routine shipboard repairs performed by ship’s company and depot level repairs. In addition, SWRMC provides Fleet Technical Assistance (FTA) as distance support or onboard technical assistance to correct equipment causalities. SWRMC also provides assessments, Combat System, Command, Control, Communications and Computer (C5) Readiness Assessment (C5RA), Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) support as required.
Our team also provides numerous support functions in a wide variety of subject area expertise including contracts, finance, safety, cybersecurity, and other administrative support programs.
We are the force behind the fleet.