Job Opportunities:
Most MARMC positions are filled as permanent career civil service jobs. Job listings are available at USAJOBS where you can search by location, agency, job title, skills and keywords.
USAJOBS has general information on working for the Federal Government, including salaries and benefits, special programs and the application process as well as listings for other agencies.
USAJOBS also contains information for job seeking veterans and veterans currently employed by the Federal Government. This site will assist individuals when determining a veteran's special rights and privileges for Federal civil service employment. The links below contain the most recent information and developments regarding Veterans employment. For specifics on all veterans employment issues such as Veteran's preference or special appointing authorities, see the Vet Guide.
Helpful Hint: To search for MARMC jobs in Rota, Spain on, select the Advanced Search option from the home page and then type "Rota" in the keyword section. Check the circle for "yes" under Applicant Eligibility if you meet the listed criteria.
For information on Naval Station Norfolk, Bahrain, Naples and Rota view the following pages: