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Report to NPTU - Staff Members and Students

Reporting as a Staff Member to NPTU

You should receive a Welcome Aboard Letter with the name of your sponsor prior to reporting. It is recommended that you contact your sponsor prior to transfer. If you have not received your Welcome Aboard Letter or message, and you are 60 days away from transferring, please email the NPTU Command Sponsor Coordinator, here

  • There are no Bachelors (BEQ) or temporary lodging available on Joint Base Charleston, so you will be required to either live in Navy Housing or out in town.
  • If you use a GPS device, the address for the Site is 1260 Snow Pointe Road, Goose Creek, SC.
  • At the first gate, you will need to show your military ID to the gate guard. Once at NPTU, you will need to bring a copy of your PCS orders along with your military ID and present them both to the Quarter Deck Watch in order to be granted access to the Site.
  • All electronic devices (i.e. IPOD, Cell Phones), must be left in your car. See the link below for a description of items that are not allowed inside the fenced-in area.

Security Reminders

Sailors reporting to NPTU for Staff Duty shall report to NPTU Admin in the Uniform of the Day (NWU's) between the hours of 9:00 am - 11:00 am (M-F) excluding holidays.

  • Please make sure to bring your medical and dental records, a copy of your orders, a copy of your transfer eval/fitrep, your military ID card, and any receipts you may have in order to process a travel claim. Also, make sure there are no CD's in your dental record. If there is, leave it in your vehicle or at home.

General information about the area and command numbers can be found at Joint Base Charleston Website

NPTU Admin Office (843) 794-5949 or (843) 794-5950

Reporting as a Student to NPTU

You should receive an area familiarization brief from an NPTU staff member prior to graduating from Nuclear Power School. It is important that you have finalized a place to stay and received house hold goods prior to starting the indoctrination process. Once you start training, there will be very limited opportunity in the first couple of weeks to resolve issues.

  • If you desire house hunting leave and did not take it before transferring, you will need to report before the 'not later than' day in your orders. There will not be enough time available once you start the indoctrination process.
  • There are no Bachelors (BEQ) or temporary lodging available on Joint Base Charleston, so you will be required to either live in Navy Housing or out in town.
  • If you use a GPS device, the address for the Site is 1260 Snow Pointe Road, Goose Creek, SC.
  • At the first gate, you will need to show your military ID to the gate guard. Once at NPTU, you will need to bring a copy of your PCS orders along with your military ID and present them both to the Quarter Deck Watch in order to be granted access to the Site.
  • All electronic devices (i.e. IPOD, Cell Phones), must be left in your car. See the link below for a description of items that are not allowed inside the fenced-in area.

Security Reminders

Students reporting to NPTU shall report for class-up in NWU's. The first day normally starts on Monday at 7:00 am in the NPTU TSB 3rd Deck classrooms.

  • It is your responsibility to bring your medical and dental records, a copy of your orders, and your military ID card. Make sure you check both records and ensure that there are no CD's in your records. Also, you will need to know your vehicle's license plate number in order to receive a parking decal.

If you have any questions during your transfer or experience any issues that may prevent you from checking in on-time, please call the NPTU Student Control Coordinator's office at (843) 794-5344 or the NPTU Admin Student YN at (843) 794-5949.