TRAINING - 'teaching a particular skill ...'



Home : Contact : EEO : Training


Training your team brings numerous benefits to both the individuals and the organization as a whole.  Our training delivers the necessary skills and knowledge to empower NAVSEA employees to cultivate a diverse, inclusive equitable, and productive work environment.  The NAVSEA EEO Program Office can provide tailored training/briefings (virtually or in-person) to cover five major areas: EEO compliance, Reasonable Accommodation, Diversity and Inclusion, harassment, and the State of EEO briefings for organizational leadership. 

Complete the NAVSEA EEO Training Request Form, and a member of the NAVSEA EEO Program Office will contact you within 3 duty days.



Address: 3379 Patterson Ave, SE, Building 176, Room 3400, Washington, DC 20376

EEO Hotline: 202-781-5336

        Reasonable Accommodations: