Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility kicked off its “Pathway to Safety" campaign, May 21, focusing on the psychological and physical safety of the workforce.
The "Pathway to Safety" campaign will run through the end of June.
One of the key components of the month-long campaign is the psychological safety of the command's workforce. Psychological safety in the workplace is the belief that employees can work in an environment as their full selves, express themselves freely and be vulnerable without fear of rejection, reprisal or negative consequences.
Through psychological safety, the command team hopes to create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns. With genuine feedback and communication driving this effort, command leaders hope to preemptively combat harassment and discrimination before they become bigger issues.
To help support campaign, Capt. JD Crinklaw, commander, PSNS & IMF, recently signed an updated version of my Anti- Harassment and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy to ensure the workers are afforded protection and spell out in clear terms what behaviors are and are not acceptable for PSNS & IMF employees.
Earlier this year, Crinklaw introduced the Performance Improvement Plan to the shipyard’s workforce. The goal of the PIP is to maximize workers future success by enhancing the shipyard’s ability to cultivate safe and supportive workspaces where teams are welcoming, respectful, and dedicated to improving one another.
“I firmly believe that supervisors, managers and leaders bear a particular responsibility in cultivating a culture of psychological safety within our organization,” said Crinklaw, during an all-hands meeting May 20. “However, it's essential to recognize that each of us, regardless of our role, plays a crucial part in fostering this culture. This includes actively listening to our colleagues' ideas, suggestions and concerns, and working collaboratively to create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.”
In addition to resigning the updated Anti- Harassment and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy, Crinklaw has also encouraged employees and supervisors to use resources like the shipyard’s Employee Resource Groups and command counselors to help improve their psychological and emotional health.
For information and resources to support your psychological health and wellbeing, employees can call the Command Counseling Program at 360-340-2745 or our Department of Navy Civilian Employee Assistance Program representative at 360-280-6193.