Recognition of SSGR Team Members at their best. Starting with an outstanding Team Member whose time of 40yrs of Federal Service surpasses the age of many young employees onboard our team! Then, three new Team Members being sworn in as they start their own Federal Service and to end the month, a visit from the CNO and Congressman Courtney touring Electric Boat. Also, announcement of Division of the Month for May 2022!


SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Feb. 24, 2022) – Congratulations to Peter A. Griffin, Naval Architecture Technician, Acoustics and Preservation Branch, Code 254A being awarded a service pin and certificate in recognition of his Forty Years of service in the Government of the United States of America. Gary Kirkpatrick, Executive Director, Code 101 had the privilege to present this deserving milestone to a Team Member as witnessed by Peter’s colleagues, Shawn Murphy, C250, (right front); Tom Tolppi, C250T2 (back left); Neritan Behri, C254 (center); and Guo Xu, C254B (back right). Peter has been with SSGR since August of 2004 and has worked extensively with various projects such as VIRGINIA construction, commissioned vessel maintenance and modernization and most recently COLUMBIA Class Design. Peter has a vast working knowledge of submarine preservation and structural surveys. (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)
SUPSHIP Groton’s Newest Team Members

SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Feb. 28, 2022) – Gary Kirkpatrick, Executive Director, Code 101, explaining the South Yard ongoing development to our newest Team Members (from left to right) Robert Melnick, Supervisor QA Specialist (SHIPBLDG), C301; Ronnie Salcedo, General Engineer, C283B and Joseph Romeo, Mechanical Engineer, C282A. (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)

SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Feb. 28, 2022) – Congratulations to our newest employees being sworn in by Gary Kirkpatrick, Executive Director, Code 101. New Team Members (from left to right) Joseph Romeo, Mechanical Engineer, C282A; Ronnie Salcedo, General Engineer, C283B and Robert Melnick, Supervisor QA Specialist (SHIPBLDG), C301. (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)
Cold and Sunny, A tour day at electric boat!
Admiral Michael Gilday, 32nd Chief of Navy Operations visited General Dynamics, Electric Boat facilities at Quonset Point, Rhode Island and Electric Boat, Groton on a cold sunny day, the last day on the month of February before heading off to Submarine Base New London, Groton, CT.

SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Feb. 28, 2022) – Admiral Gilday outside the brow on the Graving Dock by USS HARTFORD (SSN 768) undergoing an Engineering Overhaul (EOH). (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)

SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Feb. 28, 2022) – Admiral Gilday coming off the brow on the Graving Dock for USS HARTFORD (SSN 768) conversing with Phil MacNaughton, Projection Staff Lead, House Armed Services Seapower Subcommittee. (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)

SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Feb. 28, 2022) – Congressman Joe Courtney, serving Connecticut’s Second District, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces and Admiral Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations alongside Capt. Gillespy, SSGR being brief by Electric Boat (EB) President Kevin Graney while standing topside on the newest 400 foot Ocean Transport Barge HOLLAND purpose-built to support Columbia Class Ballistic Missile Submarines. (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)

SUPSHIP GROTON, Conn. (Mar. 02, 2022) – Division of the Month for March was recently announced by Captain Gillespy, Supervisor of Shipbuilding Groton. Division of the Month is selected by the previous winner, therefore winners are chosen among their peers. Gillespy announced that the past recipient, Code 100Q, selected Code 700 as Division of the Month for March. “Congrats to Dave, Mary Ann, James, Richard, Kristen, Luz, Laurie, and Whitney. Keep up the great work!” said Gillespy. Mike Batson, SUBAFE/DSS-SOC/FBW SCS Program Director, Code 100Q, Februaries recipient had the following to say, “Dave Duguay and his team impact every aspect of our mission at SSGR in support of the Submarine Force. They ensure we operate within funding provided though the highs and lows of continuing resolutions. All Comptroller Department personnel are always responsive and helpful when questions arise.” Mike further said “700 sets up all travel accommodations, processing requests, travel claims, and ensures funding is available to support Functional and Certification Audits that directly impact submarine certifications.” Also, “They ensure our time is properly imputed and everyone gets paid on time.” and “700 also reminds us when we have use/lose leave or expiring comp time to manage.” said Mike. (Submitted by Gary E. Hodgdon, PAO, SUPSHIP Groton/Released)