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DAHLGREN, Va. -  Navy Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle operators Robert Briggs and Scott Heyman conduct launch and recovery efforts via Scan Eagle at the 2016 USS Dahlgren demonstration, Aug. 30. The Scan Eagle was part of the Navy's evaluation of a strike group's gun weapon systems, combat systems, and unmanned vehicles integrated with surface and air assets at the 2016 USS Dahlgren demonstration. The test - made possible by a cybernetic laboratory called USS Dahlgren - proved engagement coordination across the battlegroup and live fire destruction of multiple targets from two combatants utilizing two different gun based systems.
160830-N-DE005-010.JPG Photo By: Patrick Dunn

Dahlgren, Virginia - DAHLGREN, Va. - Navy Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle operators Robert Briggs and Scott Heyman conduct launch and recovery efforts via Scan Eagle at the 2016 USS Dahlgren demonstration, Aug. 30. The Scan Eagle was part of the Navy's evaluation of a strike group's gun weapon systems, combat systems, and unmanned vehicles integrated with surface and air assets at the 2016 USS Dahlgren demonstration. The test - made possible by a cybernetic laboratory called USS Dahlgren - proved engagement coordination across the battlegroup and live fire destruction of multiple targets from two combatants utilizing two different gun based systems.


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