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Home : Home : Warfare Centers : NSWC Dahlgren : What We Do : Navy Shipboard Fiberoptics : Component Usage
Navy Shipboard Fiber Optics:
Component Usage

ST Connectors | SC Connectors | Epoxy Types | Optical Fiber | Cable | Multiterminus Connectors | Interconnection Box

ST Connectors

While the Navy specifies that the QPL'd M83522 ST Connector should be used on all fiber optic cable plant backbones and cable drops used for tactical applications, there are some situations where the Navy has approved the use of commercial connectors (& adapters). Specific situations are cited in NSWCD-SSES lter 9504 Ser 9542/09 of 30 May 1997. Sources for QPL and Navy Approved Commercial ST Connector are given in the Recommended Components Parts List...........


The following are specific situations for a QPL vs. Navy Approved Commercial ST Connector:

1. Fiber optic cable plant backbones.
2. Cable drops for tactical applications.
3. Cable drops for non-tactical applications.
4. Mixing of ST Connector types.
5. Mating with commercial Network Interface Cards (NICs).
6. External connections on tactical equipment.
7. Equipment and patch panels mounted to the interior of "shock isolated" cabinets for tactical
8. Equipment and patch panels mounted to the interior of a non-shock isolated cabinet for tactical

Subject: Criteria for Shipboard Usage of Military Fiber Optic Components
Description: This document (3 pgs., 248k), the second update, addresses the general criteria for using military fiber optic components onboard Naval ships. [Ser 9542/09 30 MAY 1997]

Subject: Issues with Mismatching, Mating, Polishing, and proper application of MIL-SPEC ST and COTS connectors
Description: This document (3 pgs., 248k) provides information on the issues relating to mismatching, mating, polishing and determining proper placement of MIL-SPEC ST and COTS connectors. [Ser 96315/055 28 APR 2000]

Subject: MIL-C-83522/16 ST Connector Corrected Designation
Description: This document (2 pgs., 21k) addresses the designation to be used for specifying ST connectors qualified to MIL-C-83522/16. [Ser 9542/08 30 MAY 1997]

Subject: Usage of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Fiber Optic Components
Description: This document (4 pgs., 105k) provides information on the requirements for the proper utilization of COTS items and recommendations on the applicability of and requirements for COTS fiber optic components used in Navy shipboard applications. [B35-GDB 08 FEB 1984]

Subject: Fiber Optic Epoxyless ST Connector Evaluation
Description: This document (9 pgs., 493k) addresses the request made by the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) to investigate a particular type of fiber optic ST connector.[Ser 9542/06 14 MAY 1997]

Subject: User Notification, MIL-C-83522/16 ST Connector, Incorrect Parts Supplied
Description:This document (2 pgs., 77k) addreses Qualified Prodicts List (QPL) ST connectors made by Lucent Technologies that were assembled and shipped with a non-QPL spring.
[Ser 9542/26 13 MAR 1998]

SC Connectors Return to top of page...

While the Navy specifies that the QPL'd M83522 ST Connector should be used on all fiber optic cable plant backbones and cable drops used for tactical applications, there are some situations where the Navy has approved the use of commercial SC connectors (& adapters). Specific situations and logistic support policy are cited in NSWCD-SSES ltr 9504 Ser 9542/09 (3 pgs., 248k) of 30 May 1997. Specific situations are listed below.


1. SC adapter interfaces with commercial equipment.
2. Shock isolated equipment.
3. Fiber optic cable plant backbones.
4. Mating to military specified equipment.

Epoxy Types Return to top of page...

1. Epoxy adhesives approved to MIL-A-24792 are required by MIL-STD-2042-5B. Sources may be found at First Article Epoxy (approved to MIL-A-24792).

2. Alternative Commercial Adhesives approved by the Navy may be used for non-tactical applications for cable drops and ST connector/SC connector jumpers (patch cords) that mate with equipment and patch panels mounted to the interior of cabinets. Sources can be found at Alternative Commercial Adhesives (not approved to MIL-A-24792).

Optical Fiber Return to top of page...

Subject: MIL-STD-2052A
Description:Section 5.2.1 requires that MIL-F-49291/6 and /7 optical fiber be used in tactical applications. Sources may be found on QPL 49291.

Cable Return to top of page...

Subject: MIL-STD-2052A
Description: Section 5.2.2 requires the use of MIL-C-85045 cable for intercompartment tactical and nontactical, and intracompartment tactical applications.

Subject: Criteria for Shipboard Usage of Military Fiber Optic Components
Description: This document (3 pgs., 248k), the second update, provides recommendations on applications for thermoset and thermoplastic cable jackets. [Ser 9542/09 30 MAY 1997]

Subject: Requirements for Zip Cord Cable
Description: This document (3 pgs., 248k) provides information on requirements for zip cord cable.
[Ser 96315/055 28 APR 2000]

Subject: Requirements for Usage of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Cable
Description: This document (4 pgs., 105k) provides information on the requirements for usage of COTS cable. [B35-GDB 08 FEB 1984]

Subject: Procurement of Cable for Navy Shipboard Installations
Description: This document (2 pgs., 83k) addresses a Navy request to use Military Specification parts for Navy fiber optic cable procurements. [Ser 9524/317]

Multiterminus Connectors Return to top of page...

Subject: MIL-STD-2052A
Description: Section 5.2.4 requires that multiterminus connectors used as external equipment connectors in Navy tactical applications shall be in accordance with MIL-C-28876 and supporting specification sheets.

Interconnection Box Return to top of page...

Subject: MIL-STD-2052A
Description: Section 5.2.8 requires that Interconnection boxes used in Navy tactical and nontactical applications shall be in accordance with MIL-I-24728 and supporting specification sheets.


Last Updated: 1/5/05