Yardbird is a term that was derived sometime during World War II. Although the origin is unclear and the definition has changed over the decades, the one thing that more or less remained the same is that a yardbird has worked at a shipyard.
In September 1980, the "Yardbird" won the open vote for becoming the Norfolk Naval Shipyard's new mascot, easily defeating its opponents of tiger, eagle, and seahorse. Service to the Fleet also reported, "A write-in campaign promoting a sandcrab netted a dozen votes. One yarder suggested an octopus."
Forty years later the newest yardbird has arrived. With his mighty sledgehammer in hand and his tool belt secured around his waist, he is ready to join a workforce that takes pride in their jobs.
“Yardbird Sam is the new mascot for NNSY,” said Congressional and Public Affairs Officer Terri Davis. “He is another tool that we can use to spread the shipyard’s message to the workforce as well as to the community.”
Yardbird Sam made his first appearance to join NNSY’s Shipyard Commander, Rear Adm. Howard Markle, NNSY’s Executive Officer, Capt. Daniel Rossler, and NNSY’s Command Master Chief CMDMC Gene Garland to welcome the USS Pasadena (SSN 752) to NNSY for its Drydocking Selected Restricted Availability (DSRA) Sept. 28.
“Yardbird Sam is a symbol of all the people who have worked at the yard, the important work that has been accomplished, and what the future holds,” said Capt. Rossler.
“Yardbird Sam will attend shipyard events,” said Davis. “We’re hoping that his crazy antics, his fun nature, and his quirky personality will bring a smile to the face of employees and spread positivity.”
Although Yardbird Sam’s first appearance in the community has been delayed due to COVID-19, he is looking into the possibility of participating in some holiday parades in the local area that have not yet been canceled.
“We’re excited to introduce Yardbird Sam to the public,” said NNSY’s Outreach and Special Emphasis Program Manager Valerie Fulwood. “He will attend various outreach events like S.T.E.M., Read Across America, and career fairs to name a few.”
Next time you see Yardbird Sam, stop and say hi to him. He would love to bump elbows or fist bump with you.
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Yardbird Sam
1. Yardbird Sam was hatched on top of NNSY's Hammerhead Crane.
2. Yardbird Sam's sledgehammer represents all of the Big Rock goals that were broken in the past, present, and future.
3. Yardbird Sam is an American Bald Eagle representing America's Shipyard.