Moises Iglesias – lead systems engineer for the electromagnetic railgun weapon system at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) – earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. After graduating from Virginia Tech with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering in 2000, he worked for General Electric Aviation in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a product development design engineer for jet engines.
Over the past 13 years, Iglesias made his engineering impact on railgun technology and his colleagues at the NSWCDD Electromagnetic Weapons Systems Division. As the Electromagnetic Gun Branch head, he worked with the railgun team to develop and maintain a thriving workforce that continually produces innovative solutions and technical growth for Navy gun systems.
For example, Iglesias established the Annual Innovation and Initiative Day were personnel have the opportunity to present their innovative solutions and projects aligned with the branch’s vision and mission. He also collaborated with universities on their Naval Engineering Education Consortium (NEEC) proposals related to topics from the Innovation and Initiative Day. From these efforts, four projects started in fiscal year 2019 that currently support advanced degrees and additional research for the Electromagnetic Railgun Program.
In fiscal year 2018, he reached out to the University of Texas – Arlington, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez, Virginia Tech, and Carnegie Melon University. His outreach produced five NEEC proposals, stronger university engagement, new and improved collaboration, and employees pursuing advanced degrees.
“We were able to identify funds via NEEC and railgun,” said Iglesias, who is the Educational Partnership Program Manager. Iglesias and his team also established collaboration via Educational Partnership Agreements between NSWCDD and the University of Texas at Arlington, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, and the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.
“A leader helps the organization, the team, and its members become famous - providing the tools, training, development, recognition and opportunities to deliver products that will help the organization and its members grow professionally and personally while establishing the organization’s National Subject Matter Expertise and Recognition,” said Iglesias, an avid runner and native of Carolina, Puerto Rico.