X B T / S V P / J J Y Y L I S T I N G Date Taken: 05/04/2018 Location: LAT 27 24 38.7N LON 79 54 18.9W Time Taken: 15:12Z Platform: R/MASTER Type: SHALLOW DEPTH 500' The following information contains the XBT pairs. Depth Temp Depth Temp Depth Temp Depth Temp (ft) (f) (ft) (f) (ft) (f) (ft) (f) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0000.00 79.67 0002.10 80.09 0004.20 80.15 0006.40 80.15 0008.50 80.16 0010.60 80.15 0012.70 80.15 0014.90 80.15 0017.00 80.15 0019.10 80.15 0021.20 80.15 0023.30 80.14 0025.50 80.14 0027.60 80.14 0029.70 80.14 0031.80 80.14 0034.00 80.14 0036.10 80.14 0038.20 80.14 0040.30 80.14 0042.40 80.14 0044.60 80.14 0046.70 80.14 0048.80 80.13 0050.90 80.13 0053.00 80.13 0055.20 80.13 0057.30 80.13 0059.40 80.12 0061.50 80.12 0063.60 80.13 0065.80 80.12 0067.90 80.13 0070.00 80.13 0072.10 80.12 0074.20 80.12 0076.30 80.12 0078.50 80.12 0080.60 80.12 0082.70 80.12 0084.80 80.11 0086.90 80.11 0089.10 80.12 0091.20 80.11 0093.30 80.10 0095.40 80.09 0097.50 80.08 0099.60 80.07 0101.80 80.05 0103.90 80.05 0106.00 80.03 0108.10 80.00 0110.20 79.96 0112.30 79.92 0114.50 79.88 0116.60 79.85 0118.70 79.83 0120.80 79.79 0122.90 79.73 0125.00 79.67 0127.10 79.61 0129.30 79.54 0131.40 79.45 0133.50 79.38 0135.60 79.33 0137.70 79.26 0139.80 79.21 0141.90 79.09 0144.10 78.86 0146.20 78.54 0148.30 78.19 0150.40 77.93 0152.50 77.80 0154.60 77.74 0156.70 77.71 0158.90 77.67 0161.00 77.63 0163.10 77.52 0165.20 77.35 0167.30 77.22 0169.40 77.13 0171.50 77.07 0173.60 77.01 0175.70 76.95 0177.90 76.89 0180.00 76.81 0182.10 76.74 0184.20 76.67 0186.30 76.61 0188.40 76.55 0190.50 76.51 0192.60 76.48 0194.70 76.43 0196.90 76.37 0199.00 76.28 0201.10 76.20 0203.20 76.16 0205.30 76.15 0207.40 76.12 0209.50 76.07 0211.60 75.98 0213.70 75.91 0215.80 75.86 0218.00 75.83 0220.10 75.80 0222.20 75.74 0224.30 75.68 0226.40 75.61 0228.50 75.50 0230.60 75.36 0232.70 75.26 0234.80 75.18 0236.90 75.08 0239.00 74.92 0241.10 74.71 0243.20 74.50 0245.40 74.37 0247.50 74.30 0249.60 74.21 0251.70 74.10 0253.80 73.99 0255.90 73.91 0258.00 73.81 0260.10 73.71 0262.20 73.67 0264.30 73.65 0266.40 73.62 0268.50 73.59 0270.60 73.58 0272.70 73.57 0274.80 73.56 0276.90 73.54 0279.00 73.52 0281.10 73.47 0283.30 73.40 0285.40 73.33 0287.50 73.26 0289.60 73.16 0291.70 73.06 0293.80 72.93 0295.90 72.78 0298.00 72.62 0300.10 72.42 0302.20 72.18 0304.30 71.87 0306.40 71.67 0308.50 71.47 0310.60 71.31 0312.70 71.19 0314.80 71.07 0316.90 70.92 0319.00 70.79 0321.10 70.70 0323.20 70.62 0325.30 70.47 0327.40 70.24 0329.50 69.85 0331.60 69.43 0333.70 69.19 0335.80 69.05 0337.90 68.94 0340.00 68.78 0342.10 68.53 0344.20 68.28 0346.30 68.09 0348.40 67.82 0350.50 67.22 0352.60 66.59 0354.70 66.19 0356.80 65.84 0358.90 65.47 0361.00 65.32 0363.10 65.23 0365.20 65.03 0367.30 64.93 0369.40 64.89 0371.50 64.71 0373.60 64.35 0375.70 63.82 0377.80 63.31 0379.90 62.90 0382.00 62.55 0384.10 62.20 0386.20 61.93 0388.30 61.75 0390.40 61.63 0392.50 61.53 0394.60 61.42 0396.70 61.28 0398.80 61.13 0400.90 60.99 0403.00 60.85 0405.10 60.72 0407.20 60.61 0409.30 60.48 0411.40 60.35 0413.50 60.19 0415.50 60.01 0417.60 59.80 0419.70 59.63 0421.80 59.49 0423.90 59.33 0426.00 59.17 0428.10 59.10 0430.20 59.03 0432.30 58.90 0434.40 58.67 0436.50 58.46 0438.60 58.34 0440.70 58.27 0442.80 58.22 0444.90 58.16 0447.00 58.11 0449.10 58.01 0451.10 57.91 0453.20 57.82 0455.30 57.67 0457.40 57.45 0459.50 57.22 0461.60 57.00 0463.70 56.88 0465.80 56.79 0467.90 56.71 0470.00 56.60 0472.10 56.47 0474.20 56.36 0476.30 56.26 0478.30 56.07 0480.40 55.71 0482.50 55.30 0484.60 54.93 0486.70 54.66 0488.80 54.45 0490.90 54.20 0493.00 54.02 0495.10 53.97 0497.20 53.94 0499.20 53.88 0501.30 53.76 0503.40 53.65 0505.50 53.54 0000.00 00.00 0000.00 00.00 0000.00 00.00 The following information contains the AUTEC generated SVP (Chen-Millero Algorithm). Depth Temp Temp Velocity Salinity Gradiant (ft) (f) (c) (ft/sec) (ppt) (ft/sec/ft) ---------------------------------------------------------- 0000 79.67 26.48 5050.82 36.48 0.9327 0025 80.14 26.74 5053.24 36.49 0.0592 0050 80.13 26.74 5053.66 36.50 -0.0073 0075 80.12 26.73 5054.09 36.52 0.0467 0100 80.07 26.70 5054.37 36.54 -0.0341 0125 79.67 26.48 5053.21 36.56 -0.1158 0150 77.98 25.54 5046.53 36.58 -0.4930 0175 76.97 24.98 5042.64 36.60 -0.1079 0200 76.24 24.58 5039.95 36.62 -0.0873 0225 75.66 24.25 5037.88 36.65 -0.1352 0250 74.19 23.44 5031.83 36.70 -0.1398 0275 73.56 23.09 5029.55 36.75 0.0185 0300 72.43 22.46 5024.81 36.78 -0.4404 0325 70.49 21.38 5016.10 36.81 -0.2974 0350 67.36 19.65 5001.18 36.85 -1.2644 0375 64.00 17.78 4984.22 36.88 -1.2498 0400 61.05 16.14 4968.70 36.91 -0.3279 0425 59.25 15.14 4959.02 36.92 -0.3131 0450 57.96 14.43 4952.10 36.93 -0.2210 0475 56.32 13.51 4942.90 36.94 -0.4303 0500 53.83 12.13 4928.26 36.95 -0.2475 The following information contains SVP data converted to JJYY format. JJYY 04058 15129 72725 07954 88887 00106 00797 05801 10801 15780 20762 25742 30724 35674 40611 45580 50538 If you have any questions about AUTEC XBT/SVP/JJYY's, please call (561)671-2638. If you have any problems using this service or have any comments, please contact wwwautec@autec.navy.mil.